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Community Projects


As part of program completion, student participants were asked to create a group project that focused on an issue particular to East Asian communities in Canada.

Mental Health among East Asian Youth

Richmond Green S.S.

Cecilia, Eric, Sabrina, Shirley


LGBTQ Asians from a newcomer's perspective

Thornlea S.S.

Betty, Fira, Linda, Stephen

LGBTQ Asians From A Newcomer's Perspecti

Racial discrimination

in the media

Thornhill S.S.

Andrea, Caitlin

What is racial descrimination website.JP

Lack of

proper Asian representation

in western media

Thornhill S.S.

Jennifer, Joanna


Newcomer & Immigrant Youth Experiences

Thornhill S.S.

Clara, Jiale, Wendy

Newcomer and Immigrant Student Experienc
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Racism & Discrimination Against EAst asians

Thornhill S.S.

Carl, Carol, Kelly


"Comfort Women"

of the

Asia pacific war

Richmond Green S.S.

Amy S., Emi, Regan, TC

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Bamboo ceiling

Thornhill S.S.

Adrian, David, Jerry

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Newcomer Youth


Richmond Green S.S.

Amy M., Catherine, Jessica

NEwcomers challange.JPG

"Comfort WOmen" of the Asia Pacific War

Thornlea S.S.

Hannah, Cathy, Michael


Racism & Discrimination against east Asian Youth

Thornlea S.S.

Da-heh, Jenny, Louis

Racism and Discrimination Against Asian
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