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Community Projects


As part of program completion, student participants were asked to create a group project that focused on an issue particular to East Asian communities in Canada.

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LGBTQ Asians & Mental Health

Richmond Green S.S.

Ruth, Karina, Nicole

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"Comfort Women" of the Asia Pacific War

Thornhill S.S.

Vicky, Cathy, Gloria, Hazel

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Model minority myth

Thornhill S.S.

Melinda, Samantha, Olivia

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Asian Stereotypes

Thornhill S.S.

Aliyaah, Catherine, Ramella, Selena

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Mental health Among Newcomer Asians

Thornlea S.S.

Cindy, Jessie, Sky, Shawn, Kevin

Mental Health Amoung East Asian Newcomer

Mental health among Asians

Thornlea S.S.

Destiny, Michelle, Whitney

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Disability & mental health among Asians

Thornhill S.S.

Era, Jessie, Hanson, Zack

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Immigration & Mental health among Asians

Thornlea S.S.

Ginny, Jane, Jocelyne, Tim

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discrimination against Asians

Richmond Green S.S.

Ga-In, Jimin, Sierra, Daniel

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Asian stereotypes

Thornlea S.S.

William, Minjae, Roi

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Mental Health among Asian Youth

Richmond Green S.S.


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mental health among Asians

Thornhill S.S.

Dorothy, Esther, Lily, Sara

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Contact Us

This website was funded by OTF but is now supported by community patrons. Many thanks to those who wished to stay anonymous, as well as:

Jennifer Chen

Judy Cho

Simone Chow

David Hall

Jerry Yichen Jin

Andi Shi

Juanqi (Irena) Wang

2017, 2019-2024 Live Well, Take Action
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